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drop'in is a technology for creating cross-platform applications (web, Android and iOS) based on a single code written in files called Recipes. All aspects of your project are defined in Recipes, from the graphical interface to the business logic and data management, so you do not need to know any programming language to create your application.

Blue Forest, a French company based at Marseille, is currently developing this technology and uses drop'in to create applications for its clients. After many years of research and development, we believe that this technology can be useful to a larger number of organizations and individuals, so we decided to make it accessible to everyone. We have published this documentation to introduce the basic Concepts of drop'in and to help you understand how you can use it to create your own applications.

At the moment we are working on a free restricted version of drop'in that will soon be available under the name alpha. We invite you to fill out this form if you want to participate in this test phase. We will also publish more informations on this documentation as our work progresses. When the alpha period will end, we will release a beta version that will be accessible to everyone, and then a stable version that will be the final version of drop'in.

drop'in is an open-source technology whose compiler will be released under the AGPL license, and we will also provide paid tools to facilitate the collaborative creation of your applications and their publication with the automation of deployment and update tasks. All its features are described in the section of this documentation, so you will be able to easily identify which features will be free and which will be paid.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us by email at or on GitHub in the Discussions section of our repository.


This documentation is also available in French. You can change the language of the documentation by using the language selector at the top right of the page, aside the search bar. If you want to contribute to the translation of this documentation, you can do it on GitHub by creating a Pull Request.


The content of this repository is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license, you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the license. Concerning the source code, it is licensed under the MIT license.